Laboratory Utility System

DTU Vet is an institute of DTU – Technical University of Denmark. DTU Vet is the National Veterinary Institute in Denmark which, among other things, analyzes biological samples for the agricultural industry, food industry and other industries.

A new system, LAUS (LAboratory Utility System) was to be developed that could assist and manage the workflow of performing analysis on samples and automatically collect, calculate and validate results produced by external equipment such as Elisa readers and fully automated robots.

DTU Vet was in need for assistance in determining the system architecture, technologies, methodologies and strategies to be used.


.NET/C# system architect and sparring partner on a new automation and workflow management system for analysis of biological samples.

Requirements was to analyze how the system could be realized based upon user stories and human resources. The system was required to integrate into an existing product portfolio and line of production and the departments existing human resources needed to be able to support, maintain and continue development of the application in the future.

An analysis of all aspects of the application was performed and documented in a large document describing system architecture, frameworks and technologies to be used, methodologies, a number of prototypes and full database entity model.

The work included the use of ASP.NET MVC 5, ASP.NET WebApi 2, JavaScript (TypeScript), WCF based infrastructure, Entity Framework 6 and a number of design patterns such as Repository, Mediator, Factory and Facade.

My responsibilities were:

  • Specify requirements and expectations.
  • Specify system architecture.
  • Specify component design.
  • Design database entity model.
  • Educate team members in technologies.
  • Specify technologies to be used.
  • Specify methodologies for test.
  • Design and implement Visual Studio solution template.


My roles in the project were:

  • System Architecture
  • System Design
  • System Development
  • Database Design
  • Web development
  • Frontend development
  • Backend development


Technologies used in project were:

  • .NET
  • C#
  • ASP.NET WebApi
  • Entity Framework
  • Web Services
  • WCF
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • JQuery
  • REST
  • JSON
  • Bootstrap